Márton Münz's Website

About me

  • I’m Dr. Márton Münz, computational biologist and bioinformatician. 🧬

  • At present, I’m a Senior Scientist and IT Director at The Bioinformatics CRO, a global, distributed contract research company that specializes in providing computational biology services in the genomics space to small and medium-sized biotechnology companies. Previously, I worked as a consultant for The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London.

  • I have a PhD in Bioinformatics from the University of Oxford, and an MSc in Physics from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).

  • My PhD thesis was about molecular dynamics, but in my current job I mostly deal with NGS (next-generation sequencing) data. You can read more about my work here.

  • My broader interests include genomics, precision medicine, cloud computing, machine learning (AI), software development, entrepreneurship. I love reading, writing, and coding.

  • Some other topics that excite me are genealogy research, the history of computers and computing, the impact of technology on our lives, accelerated learning, and self development.

  • Before doing science, I worked as a science journalist for daily and weekly newspapers in Hungary. I wrote about biomedicine, health, and the environment.

  • Currently I live in Barcelona, Spain 🌴 with my wife, Brigitta, a visual artist. Check out her collages and paintings here.

  • I’m a creative and happy person. In my spare time, I enjoy going to restaurants, watching football (Barça!), reading contemporary fiction, walking in the city, people-watching, and visiting art exhibitions. I’m an introvert, but I value friendships more than anything.

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